Customer Testimonials

Helped me find true gems

Over the years I have worked with Leo many times for cars that were simply too far away from me to go look at myself. He has steered me away from money pits and helped me find true gems, assisting in the shipping to get them safely to Italy. It's been over 8 years and we are still doing business together.

Ermanno P.


Working with you is a genuine pleasure

We can’t thank you enough for overseeing the sales of our family’s two barn-find vehicles in rural New York to new owners in Florida, and Guatemala, respectively. You patiently managed everyone in order to gather and disseminate the necessary information, and all parties won in the deals. That’s proper business, and working with you is a genuine pleasure. I don’t know if we’ll ever uncover anything like that ’51 Chevy Styleline Deluxe, or the ’40 Chevy pick-up, but if we do we will call you first.

Mark T.

New York

Thanks for making my dream come true

I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this car. I have been looking for the perfect car for close to ten years. I appreciate you sending me updates over the years of your new arrivals. And that's how I chose this car. Many nights on auto trader or eBay never panned out. There were a lot of cars that came close and there were times I nearly "settled" on cars that were simply ok or nice. But the car I bought from you in my opinion is perfect for me: color, engine, transmission - it's all there. And little things that weren't, you worked with me to easily get there. Your have been friendly, professional, and most importantly patient with me through the whole process. So thanks for making my dream come true.

Thomas R.


Exceeded expectations at every turn

To say I'm extremely selective about my cars is an understatement. Everything from their service to performance must be as perfect as possible. I have used Leo on multiple occasions as a buyer, seller and agent and he has exceeded expectations at every turn.

He sold me my my show winning "65" Backdraft Cobra and sold my launch model 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera S. He has been a trusted agent on numerous other searches for exotic sport scars, SUVs and motorcycles. His global network and industry knowledge is only surpassed by his genuine passion for everything with an engine.

I won't be long again when I get the "itch" for something new, which may be old, and have him find me my next toy.

Silvio P.

Washington DC

Favorite birthday present

My husband has officially declared this car his favorite birthday present ever received!

Christine C.


First Show, first place ...

My father, Jim R, purchased a 1955 Nomad from you back in December of 2013. He entered his first show this weekend and took first place in his category.

He sure is proud!

Jamey R.

South Carolina

I then became a customer myself

I got in touch with because I had two classic vehicles for sale that they ended up acquiring for their clients. I was so impressed with their approach that I then became a customer myself, having them inspect three vehicles on my behalf. Can't say a bad word about the service or the people, highly recommended!

Danilo C.


After their appraisal, I bought the car

I knew that the car I wanted (an Alfa Romeo Montreal) would have to be sourced from Europe but I wasn't comfortable buying sight-unseen, so I was looking for an appraiser when I found I'd stress the fact that they operate as a US company, with perfect English. After their appraisal, I bought the car, and they arranged shipping to my front door and I am extremely happy with how it all went.

Robert B.

California, USA